Project Name:Big Bear Disposal

By Ken Thomson

Location:Big Bear, California

Type:Design Build

Client:Big Bear Disposal

Project Summary:

Facility Builders and Erectors constructed the trash collection operations facility in Big Bear, California. The facility includes multiple pre-engineered metal buildings erected on the site.

Project Highlights

The Big Bear Disposal operating facility consists of 15,000 sf. buildings on a two acres site. The recycling facility was constructed using pre-engineered buildings assembled on site. The pre-engineered metal buildings were used for the shop, administration building, MRF, truck wash and fuel island canopy. Facility Builders also completed work on site improvements including: decorative masonry walls, paving, landscaping, underground facilities, storm drainage system, bio-retention basin and widening North Shore Drive. In addition, a 10,000 gallon above ground fuel tank with electronic card reader was installed.

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